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Your in-store marketing

Since we’re on a mission to make the lives of trade marketers around the world better, we’ve created an extensive encyclopedia of in-store marketing tools, techniques and tactics to help you navigate easier through the deep waters of your profession. Click on each letter to discover definitions, examples and insights brought to you by Tokinomo.  

This is a client-center sale approach. Adaptive selling means adapting your sales strategy depending on the type of customer, the sales situation, and the feedback received from the shoppers.
They are promotional products that are offered for free in order to increase brand awareness. These free products must contain your logo, the name of your brand or company, and a short message if you want.
What is an anchor store? An anchor store is a major retail shop that can be found inside a shopping mall or a strip mall setting. These are either big department stores or a part of a grocery retail chain. An anchor store serves as the prominent business in a mall.
Audio in-store advertising is what can be called an essential marketing strategy since the sounds customers hear can have an impact on how they feel and act.
What is Augmented Reality? Augmented reality is a type of technology that allows users to see real-life environments with a digital augmentation overlaid on them. AR combines three important elements: real and virtual worlds, accurate 3D registration, and real-time interaction.